Tuesday, October 15, 2024

MAGA Christianity

Some Christians use their religion as a way of helping others or tapping into their inner life. Then there are those who support Donald Trump.

For MAGA Christians, their religion appears to be just another competition, where life is made up of winners and losers, where one group's gain is another group's loss.

They like being Christian because it is the one true religion. All others are false, complete with false gods to be rooted out. Even within the religion, a specific denomination is the "true church" while others are the false church or the Whore of Babylon or whatever they're calling their religious competition these days.

Trump fits right in with this mentality. He always wants to win, and if he doesn't win, he'll lie and say he did. They really like his idea that he'll make them all winners like him. And if they see that their Christian religion is becoming more and more unpopular (and it is), then maybe Trump can Make Christianity Great Again. Like it was in the Dark Ages.

Christians being in love with Donald Trump, someone who seems to be in direct contrast to Jesus, confuses many liberal Christians and liberals in general. But it isn't that confusing. God sent Jesus so his believers can win. Jesus does stuff they can't do, like self-sacrifice or be empathetic, so that they don't have to, but -- more important -- he's going to get them into Heaven, and to Hell with everyone else. Similarly, God sent Trump so they can win. Trump does stuff they can't do, like be openly racist without repercussions or own golden apartments, but -- more important -- he's going to get rid of all those people who don't belong in this shining city upon a hill known as the United States. Then they can take it back.

If what Trump says seems unbelievable -- such as the idea that most Mexicans are rapists and murderers or that he can keep them out with an impossible-to-build wall -- just remember that these Christians wake up every morning with the unshakable knowledge that people can return from the dead, two of every species on earth can fit into a boat , and the problems of humanity can be traced back to cursed produce and a talking reptile. After believing what Christianity teaches, they don't have any trouble believing the relatively-mundane things this con man says in his rallies.

Trump will root out the bad guys (whoever they may be this week), just as God rooted out the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, and all the other godless parasites. He'll make room for the good people to win. There will be so much winning, you'll get tired of winning. It's a message, of course, intended for absolute losers.

Yes, it's true that Donald Trump, though Christian, doesn't attend church, doesn't pray, doesn't ask forgiveness for sins, and instead is comically-immoral, seemingly doing all of the things Christians have been telling the country not to do for ages (sleeping with a porn star right after your wife had a baby comes to mind). And it's true that Kamala Harris is a church-going Baptist, Joe Biden is a devout and outspoken Catholic, and Hillary Clinton is a Sunday School teacher. But MAGA Christians know who their guy is by his fruits. He, unlike those others (who they call "ungodly"), "says what we're all thinking." And what "we're" (really "they're") all thinking are that white people are superior to other races, men are the ones who should hold power while women should be submissive to men, homosexuality is immoral, being transgender is perverted and confusing, and the country we live in is the best country but only when it is run by straight, white, cis-gender, Christian-presenting men who want to instill conservatives values into this country, like the values we had before women could vote or before black people could do things that wasn't approved by the master.

Donald Trump is an unapologetic wrecking ball for MAGA Christians. He'll break whatever he wants, including democracy itself, because he's never faced repercussions in his life and he doesn't seem to be facing them now. He's magic somehow, just like Jesus. God bless Donald Trump! (He has. He has.)

Maybe these Christians simply overlook the traditionally-immoral things Trump does, claiming "no one is perfect" or "we all sin." Maybe they're so ignorant and delusional that they believe the NFT superhero version of Trump that he puts out and don't think of him as immoral at all. Maybe they compare him to the figure of Cyrus from the Bible (whether they knew about him before or not), saying that "God can use anyone." Maybe they actually like the immoral things Trump does and get a kick out of it. It doesn't matter. He's the one who (they think) is going to get them what they want, which primarily involves the suffering of others so that they can "win," and so therefore he was chosen by God himself.

"Jesus Is My Savior, and Trump Is My President," and the two are blurring together more and more every day.